Review by Barby
BRILLIANT! When I first started reading it, I was thinking “how do we open with this much purple prose,” but the rest of the book is not like that at all. The vocabulary is extensive, and this is one of those stories in which it makes sense and it wasn’t entirely misplaced. The flowery writing was done correctly, because it did not take anything away from the overall story.
And my God, this book is actually SCARY. The situation related to the patient we call “Joe” is so goddamn terrifying that I couldn’t be in a room by myself immediately after reading it. The atmosphere is uncomfortable, the characters are realistically flawed, the whole thing just feels like it’s happening right before your very eyes and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it but sit back and let the chaos commence.
Super original, too. That ending. Jesus. I wont be able to get that one out of my head for a LONG TIME.
I would absolutely recommend this book to ANYONE looking to lose a good amount of sleep at night. It is done so freaking well I can’t even believe it. For sure one of my favorites, as you can probably tell, because I’m still raving about it.
I did not run into the problems others have expressed with this story. It was damn near perfect to me. Im so happy I’ve been picking out such good books lately, and I’ll be honest, I have no idea how to follow this up. Ugh, please go read it for yourself, you wont understand until you experience it!