Review by Barby
Tore through this in one day, which I’m sure is not exactly uncommon- considering it sucks you right in from the first page, at all. This is not an easy one to get through, folks, but it’s an extremely rewarding and worthwhile one to get through, without question.
If you’re looking for an absolutely treacherous villain that you can’t help but love to hate, meet Darren, sicko to the stars! He’s terrorizing Alex Fletcher’s life, and it seems that no matter where Alex goes, Darren is never too far behind him. There is- truthfully- no rhyme or reasons behind the sins Darren commits. You are staring into the portrait of a psychopath- one who displays signs from an early age, and pushes things into full throttle when he comes of age. You can’t help but feel incredibly nervous for our compromised cast of good kids, intelligent men, and even innocent bystanders.
You are consistently kept on your toes, wondering what grotesque action you will have to witness next.
This book is truly vicious. It will take you with it’s teeth and it will refuse to let you go. Might I add, the bleakness and tragedy within these pages can be overwhelming to some. But it is such an interesting and adrenaline filled story, complete with characters you will undoubtedly find yourself rooting for. This is helped by the fact we travel through three time periods in our protagonists life; his boarding school days, his college days, and his post-college adult life. We watch him change and grow, along with his hopes, his fears, and the knowledge of his memories.
What a book. Giving it five stars for the immense emotional impact it had on me first and foremost, helped by the fact I couldn’t put it down.