Should you read your own cards?

by Barby


The answer is not simple as some may believe.  While there are certain psychics, or just readers in general, who are one hundred percent comfortable giving readings to themselves- that same prospect does not always apply to everyone.  If you feel that you can put your own biases, hopes, and fears behind you and be willing to accept whatever answer you come upon, you may indeed be able to read for yourself.  But if you cannot- that doesn’t mean your abilities are any less advanced.

The issue is that sometimes, when we are engulfed in a situation, we need a neutral or outside party to be able to get a good look at said predicament.  It’s natural to overanalyze something you are at the center of- and it’s easy for your readings to kind of go to extremes in these instances.  Sometimes, you might think you see exactly what you want to be seeing... and other times, you might see the last thing you would want to.  This is because when your energy becomes congested, it may be hard to get a clear answer from Spirit without prior meditation or preparation.

Typically, if emotions are running high, I would recommend having a trusted reader perform your reading for you- or attentively meditating or cleansing for a good amount of time before beginning a self-reading.  While it may be more difficult for some than others to read oneself- whichever way you choose to read is valid.  No one way reigns supreme above another.

But in the grand scheme of things, it’s good to be aware of when the answers you’re getting may be misleading- and it is healthy to have an understanding of how to prevent receiving said misleading answers in the first place.


The Jersey Devil

